Funding Safer Springs Road East In Mount Barker

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Government is continuing to improve road safety on regional and remote roads, delivering funding towards the over $11 million Springs Road East upgrade in the Mount Barker district.

This investment will provide a safer, more productive route for housing and business development in the Mount Barker district.

The Albanese Government is committing $5 million to the project under the Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP), with the Malinauskus Government and Mount Barker District Council each committing $3 million.

The project will widen one kilometre of Springs Road between Bald Hills Road and Heysen Boulevard, as well as widening the bridge on Springs Road and installing upgraded safety barriers to accommodate the wider road and cycling infrastructure.

The SLRIP commenced on 1 July 2024 to provide funding for projects to address current and emerging priorities in road infrastructure needs.

At least $200 million per year is available under the program.

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