Furry Fugitive Nabbed In Yarra Junction

Police made an arrest of a different kind when responding to a burglary in progress in Yarra Junction last night.

A terrified resident called 000 after hearing what sounded like a person trying to break into her Peppercorn Place address.

The woman's barking dog first alerted her to sounds coming from her back door about 11.30pm.

Police rushed to the scene and were shocked to realise that it appeared the offender was still trying to access the back door despite their arrival.

Expecting to locate a crook in the act, they were surprised to find a koala peering up at them from a dog bed beside the back door.

A search of the backyard soon confirmed the koala was their person of interest and had acted alone.

Apart from being a confirmed bed thief, the marsupial was released without charge.

It's unknown at this stage whether Coco the dog wants to make a formal complaint.

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