Further Charge Under Strike Force Dibs

Thirty-four people have now been charged following an extensive investigation into a riot outside a church in Sydney's southwest in April this year.

Strike Force Dribs was established to investigate the large-scale public order incident which occurred in Wakeley on Monday 15 April 2024.

About 7am today (Tuesday 25 June 2024), officers attached to SF Dribs accompanied officers from the State Crime Command Raptor Squad to Sixth Ave, Austral, where the premises was secured in relation to a Firearms Prohibition Order search.

A 27-year-old man was arrested at the scene and taken to Liverpool Police Station where he was charged with Violent Disorder and Intimidate police.

He was refused bail to appear before Liverpool Local Court today (Tuesday 25 June 2024).

Inquiries under Strike Force Dribs are ongoing.

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