The National Farmers' Federation this week welcomed the 2021 Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program cohort to the nation's capital, to mark the beginning of a one-on-one mentorship program designed to provide the tools and networks to transcend industry leadership positions.
The Program is a flagship initiative of the NFF's goal to double the number of women in agriculture's leadership ranks by 2030.
The 2021 cohort consists of 12 industry professionals from a diverse cross-section of agriculture spanning station management, animal science, international trade and indigenous agriculture.
The two-day Canberra retreat was a chance for the group to meet in person for the first time, share their leadership goals and to meet their assigned mentors whom they will work with until they graduate from the Program in September.
During the retreat the women heard from inspiring speakers, completed a leadership and mentoring workshop and embarked on a series of meetings at Parliament House with ministers and members of parliament. The women were special guests of Agriculture Minister, David Littleproud at Question Time, where the Minister made special mention of the group in the gallery.
The NFF's Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program 2021 cohort: from left Latarnie McDonald (Victoria); Gillian Fennell (SA); Lucy Staughton (NSW); Prue Cook (Victoria), Brei Montgomery (NSW); Sally Murfet (Tasmania), Janice Liu (NSW); Ana Harrison (Mungindi) and Tracy Sullivan (WA) and Anna Hooper (SA). Absent (due to COVID border closures): Miffy Gilbert (Victoria) and Mary Vaughan (NT).
The NFF-led Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program is underpinned by a group of 26 committed partners, including government agencies, multi-national corporations and farm advocacy bodies.
Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program partners include: AgForce; AACo; AgriFutures Australia; BASF; Bayer; CANEGROWERS; Coles; Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia; Cotton Australia; Consolidated Pastoral Company; Department of Agriculture, Water & the Environment; FMC; Grains Research & Development Corporation; John Deere; nbn; NSW Farmers; Nufarm; Nutrient Ag Solutions; McDonalds, Prime Super; Rabobank; Rimfire Resources; Rural Bank; Syngenta; WFI & Wine Australia.
Program partners publicly pledge to make meaningful change towards gender diversity and to report on the steps taken towards these goals. The targets, plans and innovations partners continue to put in place to ensure female and male voices are heard equally are making a difference: from introducing designated breast-feeding rooms; providing more flexible work arrangements, encouraging men to take parental leave and instigating gender quotas at board and senior leadership levels.
2021 Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program Partners