Wollondilly Shire Council has welcomed the release of the Wilton Development Control Plan (DCP) by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

In a win for Wollondilly and future Wilton residents, the Wilton DCP incorporates green building design, more trees, and protections for the local koala population and habitat, while enhancing the natural beauty and landscape of Wilton and its surrounds.
Mayor Robert Khan said, "This plan will help ensure that Wilton is a great place to live for future communities."
"Our Council has fought hard for strong planning provisions that will realise our vision for Wilton to be a vibrant and sustainable community that will represent outstanding planning in Australia."
"Our new town in Wilton is here now and growing every day as new families move in. We are focussed on creating vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities in Wilton and are advocating strongly for the fast-tracking of NSW Government planned infrastructure including public transport, schools, health and recreational facilities."
"I'm very pleased the NSW Government has listened to our advocacy and the concerns of the community since the plan was exhibited over a year ago, and it is abundantly clear just how far this plan has come since the feedback was provided," he said.
The DCP provides the detailed planning and design controls which will guide the development of more than 9,000 homes in the South East Wilton and North Wilton precincts.
"Wilton will have the community and the environment at its heart, offering a fantastic lifestyle," the Mayor said.
"Design requirements including extensive tree coverage will support active, healthy lifestyles and promote the wellbeing of future residents."
The DCP has been developed in partnership between the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Wollondilly Council to ensure that Wilton will be a town that reflects the community's desire for a unique and sustainable place to live.
The Wilton Growth Area Development Control Plan (DCP) can be viewed on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment website https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/wilton
The NSW Government has also released for comment the draft Wilton Complying Development Code, which is available at https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/draftplans/on-exhibition
"Council will be reviewing the draft Wilton Complying Development Code and providing feedback to the NSW Government to ensure it provides the best possible outcome for the Wollondilly community," said Mayor Khan.