In front of an audience of around 400 people, including Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes CBE, our Deputy Commander, and Lieutenant General Charles Richard Stickland CB, OBE, Commander Joint Operations, the participants presented their findings and recommendations on 22 June 2023.
The annual Multi-Domain Integration (MDI) Symposium, which takes place towards the end of the ACSC, saw students from over 50 countries tackle challenging issues that affect how we work together effectively.
The Defence Academy, located in Shrivenham, Wiltshire seeks to develop intellectual appreciation of the major questions facing Defence in the political, international, financial, and joint military contexts during the course.
Participants may elect to complete a Master of Arts (MA) in Defence Studies, a Masters by Research (MRes), or a Master of Science (MSc) in Defence Innovation.
On completion of the course, it is intended that students will have developed a mindset that is open, enquiring, and confident, with the ability to critically analyse information while applying professional knowledge and offering original thinking.
The recommendations that they delivered to Strategic Command will be discussed and, where appropriate and practical, implemented to ensure that we can continue to integrate across the military domains and with academia, industry, other government departments, and with our international allies and partners.
We are collectively responsible for driving integration, leading the cyberspace and electromagnetic domain, and supporting campaigning for UK Defence.
We will demonstrate how we contribute to sharpening Defence's edge at DSEI 2023 in London this September.