Department of State
The United States' allies and partners are essential to addressing shared global challenges and crises, and share our vision of building a more open, inclusive, secure, and prosperous world. Strengthening and sustaining these partnerships is critical to our national security interests, including by promoting U.S. leadership and investments abroad and at home. The President's FY 2025 Budget Request provides resources to the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen our partnerships and expand collaboration with international partners to promote economic prosperity, regional security and stability, and revitalize shared democratic values.
With the President's FY 2025 budget, we have requested:
- $224.9 million in direct bilateral assistance to support safe, orderly, lawful, and humane migration management, advanced through the framework of the 2022 Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, in collaboration with our Western Hemisphere partners.
- Over $1 billion to support the implementation of the Root Causes Strategy in Central America, including efforts to combat gender-based violence, support citizen security, build economic resilience, and strengthen the rule of law and democratic governance.
- $7.6 billion to support our enduring commitments to key partners in the Middle East and North Africa region on joint economic, development, and security partnerships, including Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. This also includes increased assistance to support the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza and investments in peacebuilding and security sector needs.
- $4 billion to invest in our Indo-Pacific Partnerships and Alliances. This includes $2.1 billion in critical bilateral and regional foreign assistance such as:
- $62.0 million dedicated solely to engagement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and efforts to strengthen ASEAN priorities, including but not limited to: maritime security; economic governance and trade; connectivity; global health security; gender; and democracy and human rights. Funds will also support the Young South-East Asian Leaders Initiative.
- $256.5 million dedicated toward strengthening East Asia and Pacific Regional frameworks - including but not limited to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Quad, the Mekong-U.S. Partnership, and Pacific Islands Forum - to enhance cyber and digital connectivity to build resilience to transnational threats, bolster regional security through maritime law enforcement support, and promote economic prosperity.
- $100.0 million for an historic investment in Taiwan's security including new bilateral Foreign Military Financing request, to strengthen deterrence and maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
- $322.5 million to support 2022 Africa Leaders Summit deliverables, including commitments to build more stable, inclusive African economies; tackle the climate crisis; revitalize democracies and champion human rights; counterbalance the influence of the People's Republic of China and Russia; and renew alliances and partnerships across the continent.
- $2.9 billion to renew, strengthen, and leverage U.S. leadership in multilateral diplomacy including contributions to the United Nations (UN), UNESCO and NATO as well as timely payment of UN peacekeeping assessments.
- $63 million for critical FY 2025 investments necessary to prepare for the United States hosting the G-20 summit in 2026.
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