G20 Research, Innovation Summit Kicks Off Wednesday in Recife

The G20 Research and Innovation meeting will address global imperatives: combating inequalities in access to technology, facilitating knowledge transfer, preserving the Amazon, the transition to sustainable energy sources and promoting the democratization of science. More than 40 international delegations will gather to deliberate on these issues.

Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, is emerging as a global hub for discourse on science and innovation. Credit: Edson Holanda/PCR
Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, is emerging as a global hub for discourse on science and innovation. Credit: Edson Holanda/PCR

Starting this Wednesday (May 22), the capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco will host the 3rd Meeting of the G20 Research and Innovation Working Group, making it the global hub for discussions on science and innovation. Organized by Brasil's Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação - MCTI), the event will commence with the participation of Minister Luciana Santos, The governor of Pernambuco, Raquel Lyra, and João Campos, mayor of Recife, the state capital.

The event, hosted at the Cais do Sertão Cultural Center, fosters dialogue among representatives from over 40 delegations of G20 member countries, invited guests, and international organizations. Spanning three days from May 22 to 24, participants will deliberate on pivotal topics including the democratization of science, Amazon preservation, biodiversity, energy transition, pandemic control, and policies for promoting diversity.

"Brasil aims to prioritize global disparities in access to science, technology and innovation during its G20 presidency, themed ''Open Innovation for Fair and Sustainable Development,'' announced Minister Luciana Santos. Emphasizing the importance of bridging the gaps between developed and developing countries, the minister stresses the need to accelerate progress on the global agenda.

Minister Luciana Santos, Governor Raquel Lyra, and Mayor João Campos will attend the opening ceremony of the working group's technical meeting, followed by a press conference. Access to the event is restricted to accredited journalists, who can obtain accreditation through the official G20 website.

Inspiring Examples

The meeting, themed "How Local Governments and Businesses Have Fostered Open Innovation in Pernambuco," will start on Thursday, May 23, at 2 PM. The agenda includes presentations from guests and press at the É do Povo auditorium in the Cais do Sertão. This session will spotlight the technology and innovation ecosystem of Porto Digital, a successful initiative in Pernambuco's tech sector, for the benefit of over 40 international delegations participating in the Working Group.

Brasil, during its G20 presidency in 2024, established the Research and Innovation Working Group (GT) with the aim of reducing inequalities in technology access and knowledge transfer to foster inclusive economic development. Evolving from the Research and Innovation Initiative launched during Italy's G20 presidency in 2021, Brasil seeks to sustain these discussions and translate them into tangible actions that can benefit the global research and innovation ecosystem.

See also

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