G20 Urged to Tax Super-rich for Green Future


Cape Town, South Africa – G20 leaders convening at the 1st Finance and Central Bank Ministerial Meeting must maintain momentum towards effective taxation of the world's super-rich and support an inclusive platform for international tax negotiations at the UN.

Fred Njehu, Pan-African Political Strategist at Greenpeace Africa, said: "As the world battles a deepening, interlocking polycrisis, this is the time to prioritise fair taxation to fund much-needed social, environmental and climate action. G20 Finance Ministers have a unique role in championing this effort to ensure fair and democratic global tax rules."

"Even with the absence of the United States, G20 countries must join hands to support a UN-led UN Tax Convention, a historic opportunity to correct a failing system that benefits the very few over the majority. The UN Tax Convention is a more inclusive, democratic and equitable international tax negotiations process that will grant all UN member states an opportunity to determine the future of taxation."

"G20 leaders, it is time to display true leadership on economic reform at a time of global need. The South African G20 presidency has set the course to act in the spirit of Ubuntu – 'I am because you are' – in order to seek collective solutions to pressing challenges. Strong language in the G20 declarations on wealth tax and new global tax rules at the UN would be a great testimony to that. The time for action is now. There is no time to waste."

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