The transformation of the Central Goldfields Art Gallery will soon be revealed when it officially re-opens with a celebratory program of events on Saturday 4 March.
Join us for a community celebration day from 10am to 4pm - everyone is welcome.
The Gallery will re-open with the first headline exhibition of its 2023 program – Ladder to the Stars: Dean Bowen Sculptures – as well as the annual Community Art exhibition.
9.45am onwards - Coffee Cart - buy a barista made coffee
10.30 to 11am - Storytime - children's book reading
11am to 12.30pm - Make your own Australian bird, led by local artist Jennifer Latch
11.30am - Community Art Exhibition announcement of special awards
12noon - Music
12noon to 1pm - Young People - tell us what you want from an Art Hang Out at the Gallery - sign up and make it happen!
12noon - Badge making workshop
11.30 to 1pm - Free sausage/veggie sizzle cooked for you by Rotary Club of Maryborough
2 to 2.45pm - Talk by Andrew Stephens, author of Nitty-Gritty: The sculpture of Dean Bowen. Dean Bowen will be in attendance and available for book signings.
Entry is free and all are welcome.
The Central Goldfields Art Gallery will be open Thursdays to Sundays from 10am to 4pm commencing on Saturday 4 March.