Geelong Police Seize Firearms, Drugs in Major Operation

Police have arrested 20 people and seized multiple firearms and commercial quantities of drugs during a major police operation across Greater Geelong.

The operation saw Geelong Crime Investigation Unit detectives and Crime Command's VIPER Taskforce, knock on the doors of more than 40 homes between Monday 17 June and Thursday 20 June.

During the operation, police conducted 34 Firearm Prohibition Order (FPO) searches and five drug warrants across Greater Geelong, targeting individuals who are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Individuals subject to a FPO are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, carrying or using any firearm or firearm related item such as ammunition.

Throughout the operation, police seized:

• A slam gun

• Three imitation firearms

• Prohibited weapons

• Property allegedly stolen from burglaries.

• Drugs including Cannabis, Cocaine, GHB, Methamphetamine, and MDMA

Those arrested by police include:

• During a firearms warrant at a residential property in Hamlyn Heights, detectives located and seized a slam gun, ammunition and cannabis. A 52-Year-Old Hamlyn Heights man was arrested and charged with cultivate and possess cannabis, and possess ammunition. He was bailed to appear at Geelong Magistrates Court on 8 August 2024.

• During a FPO search in Belmont, police located and seized two imitation firearms, and large quantities of GHB and methylamphetamine. A 40-year-old Belmont man was arrested and charged with traffick commercial quantity of GHB, traffick methylamphetamine, prohibit person possess imitation firearm, possess DOD, and possess prescription medication. He was bailed to appear at Geelong Magistrates Court on 17 July 2024.

• During a FPO search in Batesford, detectives located and seized an imitation firearm, and ammunition. A 50-year-old Batesford man was arrested and charged with possess imitation firearm, possess ammunition, and contravention of firearms prohibition order. He was bailed to appear at Geelong Magistrates Court on 29 August 2024.

• Police executed a search warrant at a property in Armstrong Creek, where they located prohibited weapons and illicit drugs. A 14-year-old boy from Armstrong Creek was arrested and was charged with attempted armed robbery, aggravated burglary, burglary, possess weapons, and possess drug of dependence. He will appear at a children's court at a later date.

• Police also arrested a 32-year-old North Geelong man who was wanted on warrant. He was also charged with 10 counts of theft and remanded to appear at Geelong Magistrates Court on 4 July 2024.

Since they were introduced in May 2018, Victoria Police has issued over 2100 FPOs across the state. Once issued, an FPO remains in effect for 10 years for adults and five years for children, which is those between 14 and 17 years of age.

During that time, the individual is prohibited from acquiring, possessing, carrying or using any firearm or firearm related item such as ammunition. They are also unable to enter a range of premises including firearms dealers, shooting ranges firearms clubs.

The charges relating to FPOs are significant - 10 years imprisonment for acquiring, possessing, carrying or using a firearm or firearm related item.

Anyone with information about illicit firearm or drug activity is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report to

Quotes attributable to Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Guthrie - Geelong Crime Investigation Unit:

"These operations aim to protect the community and reduce firearm related crime.

"We have the ability to call on specialised resources including the VIPER Taskforce, to assist us in combatting criminal networks and remove illicit firearms from the wrong hands.

"Carrying firearms illegally is a dangerous game with severe consequences - and we will continue to run proactive operations across Greater Geelong to keep the community safe.

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