- Hon Simeon Brown
Auckland Minister Simeon Brown has today welcomed Auckland Transport's confirmation of speed limit changes on local streets and key arterial roads in Auckland, which will enable Aucklanders to get to where they want to go, quickly and safely.
"Auckland Transport has now confirmed the local roads where Labour's blanket speed limit reductions will be reversed as a result of our Government's new sensible speed limit rule," Mr Brown says.
"Our Government campaigned on reversing Labour's blanket speed limit reductions on local streets and key arterial roads. An overwhelming 57.8 per cent of Auckland voters elected our Government, and we are delivering on this commitment."
Key changes include returning local streets like Weymouth Road from 30km/h to 50km/h, while key arterial roads such as Pakuranga Road will reverse from 50km/h to 60km/h.
"These changes strike a balance by ensuring slower speed limits during pick up and drop off times outside schools but not slowing everyone down during other times of the day.
"It makes no sense to make a shift worker travelling to work at four o'clock in the morning crawl along key arterial roads like Weymouth Road at 30km/h.
"Aucklanders expect a sensible approach to speed limits on our roads, and that's what our Government is delivering and I welcome Auckland Transport's decision to move quickly to implement these changes."