Giant Barrel at Parliament Spotlights Nuclear Costs

Friends of the Earth Australia

As Australians look to Canberra ahead of Tuesday evenings federal Budget, the high cost of nuclear power will be illustrated by an eight metre high inflatable radioactive waste barrel on the grass in front of Parliament House.

For multiple years CSIRO modelling has shown nuclear to be the most expensive and slowest electricity option in Australia.

"The Coalition's nuclear push risks Australia's economy, energy system and environment," said Friends of the Earth national nuclear campaigner Dr Jim Green. "It is a threat to public health and a waste of public funds".

The barrel display is an initiative of nuclear free advocacy project Don't Nuke the Climate who recently published detailed contamination plume maps showing the potential contamination impacts of a Fukushima style accident at any of the seven sites where the Dutton Coalition is proposing nuclear reactors .

"Against the backdrop of a cost of living crisis it makes no sense for Australia's energy transition to be delayed by political posturing over the high cost, high risk, desperately slow nuclear option", said ACF nuclear analyst Dave Sweeney.

The highly visual barrel (see image) will be inflated and representatives will be available

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