Giant Butterfly Lands At Library's Outdoor Rejuvenation


Library users have already been enjoying the newly revitalised outdoor space at Diamond Valley Library, but yesterday marked the final touch, with a colourful steel butterfly carefully craned over the fence and into place above the new play area.

The works to rejuvenate the outdoor space at Diamond Valley Library have been designed to allow the library to expand its services outdoors.

These works follow improvements to accessibility at the library entrance, completed last year, which included an upgrade to the entry path and two accessible parking bays.

The outdoor area has been landscaped and a new play area, vegetable boxes, seating and a communication board have been installed.

Mayor John Dumaresq said the upgrades will create more opportunities for outdoor learning.

"The improved space will support a range of outdoor activities focused on nature, health, and wellbeing," Cr Dumaresq said.

"From gardening workshops to nature play, the library is a great place for people to learn and connect outdoors."

Blue Lake Ward Councillor Grant Brooker said that the works are a significant upgrade to the library.

"The community loves the library, which also acts as a hub for surrounding schools and community groups. Now programs can be extended outside," Cr Brooker said.

Diamond Valley Library is the only public library in Australia to be a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden partner. These works provide better facilities for the programs run as part of this initiative.

The Library underwent a major internal refresh in 2022, transforming the facility into a modern, inviting space for the community.

Work has been funded via the State Government Growing Suburbs Fund, Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Contribution, Yarra Plenty Regional Libraries and Council, and will be officially opened in the coming weeks.

The library is located at Civic Drive in Greensborough.

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