Girls Can Be British Ambassador For Day

UK Gov

To mark International Women's Day, the Embassies of the United Kingdom, Canada and Jordan are collaborating on the 'Ambassador for a Day' competition for the third year.

We encourage girls from all backgrounds living in Lebanon, aged 15 to 18 years old to apply. The competition closes Monday 7 April 2025.

Ambassador for a Day is a national essay competition for girls between 15-18 years of age. Each AFAD winner will get to shadow an Ambassador or senior UN Official in Lebanon for one day, to see first-hand how girls can become leaders and advocates for change. This promises to be an unforgettable opportunity to build skills in diplomacy, confidence, and leadership.

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is For ALL women and girls: Rights, Equality, Empowerment. To enter the competition, participants should submit either a video or short essay in English or Arabic answering the question:

"If you were an Ambassador for a Day, what actions would you take to accelerate gender equality including equal rights, power and opportunities?''

For more details, see:

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