Girls Day 2025: Vocational Training And Studies At KIT

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Experimenting and learning: on Girls' Day at KIT, girls can find out about career prospects, especially in the STEM subjects. (Photo: Magali Hauser, KIT)

How can an app recognise your emotions? How does a potato become a battery? How do you capture the sun? And what does a product developer, materials researcher or civil engineer actually do? On Girls Day 2025, Thursday, April 3, girls will find answers to these and other questions, as well as information on suitable courses of study and apprenticeships, at the North and South Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Girls from the 5th class of all types of schools can inform themselves about jobs and tasks in STEM subjects at KIT.

On Girls Day, the numerous lectures and workshops at KIT will focus on the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The participants can work interactively in the various workshops and get a taste of numerous fields of work and professions in lectures by scientists and researchers. Some of the approximately 360 trainees at KIT will report on their training positions and give an insight into their everyday work. Another special highlight this year: the quiz on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of KIT, in which participants can test their knowledge of the exciting history of KIT and win great prizes.

The spectrum of the more than 40 events ranges from "On the hunt for dark matter - hands-on particle physics" and "Escaperoom cryptology" to "Become a manager (for a day)" and "A metal mouse in the clean room" or "Microchips for modern medical technology - looking inside with MRI".

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