Give Southwest Sydney Its Missing Link

Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun is calling on the federal and state government to ensure the future of Western Sydney International airport by connecting it by rail to the rest of Southwest Sydney.

"Given the Prime Minister is in Southwest Sydney tomorrow, it's an ideal opportunity to undo the unfair treatment it has so far received.

"At the moment the WSIA's transport links are lop sided, favouring its Northwest side. Why has this been allowed to happen?

"Only six kilometres of rail will mean the difference between success and failure for the airport," Mayor Mannoun said.

"A short length of track from Leppington to the airport provides the missing link in the Sydney public transport network, linking the Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport line to the T2 and T5 Train network.

"The Southwest Rail Link will provide essential access to Bradfield and Western Sydney International Airport for the people of Southwestern Sydney, including from key locations such as Campbelltown, Cabramatta, Revesby and Liverpool.

"Without a direct rail or metro link, access to the airport will remain strangled, especially for those in Southwestern Sydney and beyond.

"When WSIA is carrying more than 10 million passengers a year (by 2030) the current lack of road and rail connections from the Southwest will diminish the airport's ability to attract businesses and tourists, limiting the economic potential of the area.

"Goods and passengers will not have easy access and will be thrown onto the already congested M7 and M5 and straining the surrounding infrastructure.

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