Sarah Courtney,Minister for Tourism, Hospitality and Events
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is relaunching our successful Events Marketing Tasmania Grant program to give local event organisers the opportunity to expand their marketing reach for Tasmanian events occurring in 2022.
Tasmania is renowned for its unique home-grown events which showcase all that our beautiful State has to offer, and the Tasmanian Liberal Government recognises how important it is to activate Tasmania's intrastate and interstate markets amidst the current COVID-19 climate.
Building on our $31 million commitment as part of the 2021-22 State Budget, we are investing another $100,000 through this competitive grants Program to provide organisers of an established Tasmanian event with funding of up to $10,000, to add value to an existing marketing strategy to help increase intrastate and interstate visitation, as well as encourage regional dispersal.
With submissions now open, preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate how the proposed event and associated marketing project will drive visitation to regional parts of the state outside of the high tourism season.
Previous successful recipients, such as the Tasmanian Garlic and Tomato Festival, are testament to the positive impact that this grants Program has on promoting events and attracting visitation from various regions of Tasmania.
The Tasmanian Government remains a strong supporter of the events and tourism sector, which has a critical role to play in restoring visitation to Tasmania and stimulating the economy following COVID-19, and this Program is another example of what we're doing to secure the future of events in our State for years to come.
The Event Marketing Tasmania grant is now open for submissions and close on Wednesday, 8 December 2021.