Global Festival Champions Inclusion, Diversity, Unity

Big Sky Publishing

Festival of International Understanding

Inclusion, No Racism, India, Multiculturalism for Harmony Day

Story that inspires and connects to youth and adults across the world.

Elephants Have Wings

'Elephants Have Wings demonstrates with great power that we can teach profound truths and timeless values'- D.R. Pattanaik Professor of English, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Parrot Palace story that changes lives.

inspiring and connecting youth and adults across the world.

"I don't tell children what to do, but I want my books to make them think and to question...I am absolutely passionate about ensuring that young people understand that we should be inclusive, to say "no" to racism and "yes" to being together. That is my agenda". India Link Media

Niyati Mehta Director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre and Consul General Dr. S. Janakiraman High Commission of India partnered with Cowra Council for the Festival of International Understanding to bring story to young people and families and inclusion.


Susanne Gervay OAM wrote 'Elephants Have Wings' as a picture book after her numerous journeys to India. Now she has worked with Sarah Tabassum and Pooja Mathur to create the story of diverse children and their families including Hari and his Indian family, his half Hungarian-Chinese friend Lily-Rosa and his new mate Mikey. She values the story of inclusion. Awarded the Lifetime Social Justice Literature Award, Order of Australia, nominated for Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, you'll find Susanne trekking to where her heart goes. Speaking to the fire ravaged communities of Lithgow, trekking to remote indigenous schools in the Kimberly, addressing the Youth Braille Writing Awards, addressing the World Burn Congress in New York, Susanne brings the message of courage to especially to young people.

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