Globe Inks Second Offtake Deal for Kanyika Project

Globe Metals & Mining (ASX:GBE)


▪ Globe Metals & Mining has signed a non-binding MOU with Myst Trading Pte Ltd relating to offtake ▪ The key terms of the MOU include: - the right to purchase 100% (approximately 14 tonnes) of the Kanyika Project's expected annual high-purity Tantalum Pentoxide production; and - a right of first refusal to purchase 25% (approximately 76 tonnes) of the Kanyika Project's expected annual high-purity Niobium Pentoxide production ▪ The Agreement will initially be for 3 years from first production of the Phase 1 commissioning of the Kanyika Project ▪ Globe has now signed non-binding offtake agreements for 57% of Phase 1 production of Niobium Pentoxide and 100% of Phase 1 production of Tantalum Pentoxide.

Read the full announcement here

About us:

Globe Metals and Mining is an African-focused resources company with its Kanyika Niobium Project in Malawi. The Kanyika Niobium Project will produce niobium and tantalum products, which are key additives in high strength-low alloy (HSLA) steels and electronics. A JORC Mineral Resource Estimate indicates Kanyika could support a 20 year mine life.

Globe's corporate head office in Perth, Australia is supported by regional operational offices in Lilongwe. The Company listed on the ASX in December 2005 (ASX: GBE).

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