GMHBA Partners With Osara Health for Cancer Support


GMHBA can now offer eligible^^ members with a recent cancer diagnosis enhanced support through a new partnership with award-winning cancer solution provider Osara Health. Participants will benefit from a Cancer Coach program, which includes health coaching, personalised education, valuable resources, and a supportive app to guide them through their journey.

Recent Australian statistics have revealed cancer screening rates declined during the Covid pandemic*, while cancer rates among Australians below the age of 49 increased^ by 12% from 2004 to 2023. Thankfully, survival rates are the highest they've ever been, thanks to improved treatments and medical advancements**.

Osara Health delivers educational and behavioural change programs to enable people living with cancer to take control of their care.

Through this new partnership, eligible^^ GMHBA members will gain access to valuable support from an Osara Health Coach who will work with them to develop a plan around their most relevant health goals. The confidential 6 to 12-week program includes tailored resources and content, weekly resource modules focused on better self-management, and a companion app with tools such as symptom tracking and more.

GMHBA CEO David Greig said a cancer diagnosis can be a confronting experience, and the partnership would provide members with practical support, accessible in the palm of their hand.

"We are pleased to partner with Osara Health to offer our members support that extends beyond their medical treatment program, to help address concerns they may have around mental health, diet, and exercise," he said.

"We understand that facing health challenges alone can be overwhelming. Through our Care Coordination Service, we are here to provide GMHBA members with access to additional health services and programs, offering the support needed to enhance their quality of life and wellbeing."

Osara Health CEO, Co-Founder, and oncologist Dr Raghav Murali-Ganesh said the program was clinically validated to improve outcomes.

"Among individuals who utilised Osara Health's Cancer Coach program, 47% reported improvement in physical health, 50% noted an improvement in mental health, and 48% indicated an improvement in quality of life" said Dr Murali-Ganesh.

"We know that private health insurers play a crucial role in our health system here in Australia. GMHBA is leading the way in recognising the importance of offering members better health services, such as comprehensive support during a cancer journey. This underscores their commitment to improving health outcomes for their members."

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