Capacity building initiatives and activities aimed at enhancing nuclear safety and security around the world were discussed at the recent Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN) Steering Committee Meeting, held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
Lingquan Guo, Head of the IAEA Networks Management and Partnership Section, emphasized in his opening remarks that countries need to share good practices, promote knowledge networks and provide support in building capacities and competencies at all levels to further strengthen nuclear safety and security worldwide.
During the meeting 27 participants from IAEA member countries and international organizations exchanged views and their experiences, discussing progress achieved according to the GNSSN action plan. This included updates on the annual report, terms of reference and IT platform.
The challenges of licensing a novel technology, required for small modular reactors, and the importance of ensuring sufficient and sustainable human resources for the life cycle of operating plants, were among the subjects discussed. Participants focused on the IAEA legislative assistance programme, paying particular attention to the importance of joining and adhering to relevant international legal instruments. Capacity building efforts to raise awareness about nuclear law, and the importance of sharing regulatory experiences, aimed at improving the effectiveness of nuclear and radiation regulatory systems, were also discussed.
Participants were also updated on the GNSSN survey conducted last year to identify areas of focus and future interests related to regional networks. The survey aimed to foster further cooperation and coordination among the regional and thematic networks under the GNSSN framework. According to the survey, the top three focused topic areas from 2022-2025 are: drafting of regulatory documents, environmental monitoring, and radioactive waste management.
Alfredo de los Reyes Castelo, Head of International Relations at the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council and Chair of the GNSSN's Steering Committee, outlined the most recent achievements of the GNSSN networks: "Since the last GNSSN Steering Committee meeting in July 2022, progress has been made in identifying potential synergies in regional and thematic networks, to enhance inter-regional cooperation on the topic of nuclear safety and security, building further cooperation through joint technical projects, sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as translating technical publications to reach a wider audience among the associated networks of GNSSN."
Progress has been made in identifying potential synergies in regional and thematic networks, to enhance inter-regional cooperation on the topic of nuclear safety and security, building further cooperation through joint technical projects, sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as translating technical publications to reach a wider audience among the associated networks of GNSSN
Anthony Wetherall, an IAEA Legal Officer, gave a presentation highlighting the support available to countries to enhance national nuclear legal frameworks. and explained that "the IAEA legislative assistance programme supports Member States, in establishing and strengthening national nuclear legal frameworks through workshops, training, outreach, and legislative reviews." He emphasised the availability of a country-specific, tailored support, citing as an example the IAEA's support of the national nuclear law concept in the Pacific Islands Member States.
The GNSSN Steering Committee members acknowledged that GNSSN continues to fulfil its objectives of sharing information, lessons learned and best practices. It also facilitates capacity building to ensure effective and efficient nuclear safety and security infrastructures in countries through the implementation of activities such as regional and national workshops, training courses, and expert missions.
"We need to continue to exchange our experiences, from how to assess regulatory needs related to the management of safety aspects of nuclear and radiological facilities, to how to approach effective knowledge management and training, in order to foster collaboration among regional networks," said Malgorzata Sneve, Director of the Regulatory Cooperation Programme at Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and the Chair of the European and Central Asia Safety Network (EuCAS).
The importance of capacity building was echoed by Gino Moonsamy from the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa, who is the Chair of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communication Network (GNSSCOM). He noted that "the capacity building activities that Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communication Network are conducting, through communication workshops and training, are essential in informing relevant stakeholders and building strong connections among them."
The IAEA also expressed full support for the GNSSN and its role to further enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the associated networks in close cooperation and consultation with the regional network representatives.