Gold Coast Beaches Reopen Amid Ongoing Cleanup


The red and yellow flags started to reappear on some southern Gold Coast beaches today with Coolangatta, Greenmount and Burleigh Heads beaches open and safe for swimming.

All other beaches remain closed, however more are expected to reopen in the coming days.

"The Chief lifeguard advised me that following inspections of these beaches, the flags are back in the sand at those three locations," said Mayor Tom Tate.

"Gold Coasters can get back to enjoying the beach, but people still need to check local conditions as they could change daily.

"Heed advice from lifeguards."

The City still urges everyone to stay off closed beaches while works are undertaken to make them safe for the community.

These works to restore our beaches are expected to continue for weeks to come.

"We have a big job ahead of us will scarping along the whole of our coastline," Mayor Tate added.

As each day goes by, if we are blessed with good weather our beaches will be well and truly open ahead of the Easter holidays."

Many City services and facilities have reopened this week including libraries, except Ormeau and Elanora, the Broadwater Parklands, indoor sporting venues and some indoor Active and Healthy Activities.

Aquatic Centres are open with free admissions until closing time on Friday, 14 March.

All Waste and Recycling Centres are open except for Jacobs Well and South Stradbroke Island and there are several temporary disaster waste disposal sites at Ormeau Sports Park, Tugun Village Community Centre, Carrara Sports Centre, Suntown in Arundel and Firth Park, Mudgeeraba.

Residents can also take advantage of the FLEXiSKiP kerbside collection bag for disaster-related waste which can be ordered on the City website.

Recovery Hubs are open and will assist people with Financial Assistance and access to other support services.

All details about recovery efforts, services and facilities are available on our Operation Clean Up page.

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