Gold Coast Expands Waste & Recycling Services


Operation Clean Up is in full swing and the City of Gold Coast is offering free temporary disaster waste disposal sites for residents.

These services are being provided for disaster-related green and general waste for 7 days.

"I ask all Gold Coasters to 'help your mate' and support each other in getting the city cleaned up," Mayor Tom Tate said.

"If someone you know needs help to clear some green waste from their yards, see if you can lend them a hand to tidy up or transport it to a nearby waste and recycle centre or temporary disaster waste disposal site."

Temporary disaster waste disposal sites

There are 3 sites open from 8am Wednesday 12 March and then from 7am Thursday 13 March.

Waste types: disaster-related green and general waste only

Vehicle types: Cars / trailers (no commercial)


Ormeau Sports Park (Bulldogs)

22 Upper Ormeau Road, Kingsholme

Tugun Village Community Centre

414 Coolangatta Road, Tugun

Carrara Sports Precinct

Lot 24 Alabaster Drive, Carrara

Rubbish collection

Rubbish collection has returned to normal, and residents are asked to put their bins out as per their regular schedule.

For anybody with perishable food waste please place this in your general waste bin for your next collection and place smaller green waste in your green organics bin, or you can go to a temporary disaster waste disposal site or waste and recycling centre.

Waste and recycle centres

There are currently 6 open waste and recycling centres that can be used for residential waste and recycling disposal. Reduce your wait time and visit outside of peak times 10am to 2pm.

The waste and recycling centres will be free for small businesses assisting residents to clear and dispose of their disaster green waste at Molendinar, Reedy Creek and Stapylton.

Small business customers who need to access the waste and recycling centres to dispose of spoiled food will not be charged.

Flexiskip kerbside collection

Residents can also order a Flexiskip kerbside collection bag. One additional bag is available to eligible residents for disaster-related waste.

Sandbag disposal

When disposing of your sandbags we ask that you dispose on the contents of the sandbag in your garden and place the empty bag into your general waste bin.

For details on Operation Clean Up visit:

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