Landcare Australia
Gold Coast koala feeding farm lands wins funding from Landcare Australia's $300,000 Bushfire Grants
Nerang conservationists planting 400 trees to be harvested as food for koala and other native species have secured funding from Landcare Australia's $300,000 Bushfire Recovery Grants.
In conjunction with Wildcare Australia and Country Paradise Parklands Association, Watergum is proposing to install a new fodder farm at the Country Paradise Parklands where wildlife carers can harvest browse for koalas, gliders, possums and birds in the region.
"Wildcare Australia volunteers and carers have been under enormous pressure in the last 6 months to care for drought and bushfire affected injured wildlife," explained Watergum's Rosalinde Brinkman.
"This farm by Watergum will assist 30 wildlife carers that facilitate and care for over 250 koalas, 400 possums and over 300 gliders annually and assist wildlife rescuers and carers in it being a quick source for browse in overnight and emergency care."
"It is so important to provide leaf for overnight emergency care koalas and other native mammals as well as native mammals in care once they have been released from the wildlife hospitals. And it is so integral of the project to provide safe accessibility to fodder farms for all the wildcare volunteers as they have to get 12 full branches for each individual animal, with some native mammals they need to include lots of flowers as well."
Made possible due to the extraordinary volume of donations from generous organisations and private donors, the Landcare Australian Bushfire Recovery Grants will support 23 wide-ranging regeneration projects focusing on activities including impacted rainforest revegetation, nest boxes for decimated native species and feeding programs for endangered wildlife.
Key issues for all the grant recipients include restoring essential wildlife habitat, management of invasive weeds, erosion control and protection of our waterways and aquatic habitat.
The funding came from generous donations during the bushfires from across the country and around the world, including Landcare Australia partners Brambles CHEP, Bushman's Tanks, Bloom Aid and Hawkes Brewing.
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