Golf Revamped: Unveiling Golf Dreaming

Fair Play Publishing

Fair Play Publishing is delighted to announce the release of Golf Dreaming by John Maynard, a groundbreaking exploration of golf's place in Australia's sporting and cultural history from an Aboriginal perspective.

Maynard uncovers the surprising echoes of traditional Aboriginal games in modern golf. He reveals how cultural heritage, social challenges, and historical barriers have helped shape the sport in Australia.

With deep historical insight, Golf Dreaming—An Aboriginal Social, Political, Cultural and Historical Perspective of Golf examines the intersections of Indigenous history and golf, shedding light on stories often overlooked in mainstream sporting narratives.

With a Foreword from Professor Bob Morgan, Golf Dreaming is a captivating journey that offers a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on the game's evolution and its significance in Australia. It is a richly researched and compelling contribution to sports history that challenges conventional understandings of the game.

John Maynard is a Worimi Aboriginal man and an Emeritus Professor of Indigenous History from the University of Newcastle. Renowned for his expertise in Indigenous history and sport, he brings his storytelling and scholarly insights to the fairways, crafting a book that deepens our understanding of golf beyond the game itself.

Golf Dreaming is now available through Fair Play Publishing and good bookstores in paperback and e-book formats.

John Maynard is appearing at the Manly Writers' Festival on 30th March at Manly Golf Club, and the Newcastle Writers' Festival on 5th April.

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