Flamenco for Everybody - a live performance by award-winning dancer Annalouise Paul and some of the country's finest flamenco musicians – is twirling into Goulburn Performing Arts Centre on Saturday 29th April at 7.30pm.
Flamenco for Everybody is an exhilarating live performance of Flamenco and contemporary dance, languid guitar, Spanish poetry, and high-energy percussion seamlessly woven into compelling storytelling in a visually theatrical and highly virtuosic show. It features some of the very best Flamenco artist in the country, with Peter Hardwick on guitar; Ricky Kugler on percussion and Rafael Alcolea singing original cantes and flamenco poetry.
Flamenco for Everybody shares a collective narrative of resilience with regional communities who have faced the adverse effects of Covid-19. Devised and organically grown during imposed lockdowns, Annalouise Paul was determined to dance. She found an outdoor community veranda and local wharf to practice on for the entire year – and through this connected with others. She met walkers, boaties, dogs, and a little boy who asked, 'Are you making a show? For everybody?' A few months later a show was born.
Goulburn Performing Arts Centre Manager Raina Savage said, "Through harsh drought and bushfires, unemployment and isolation, Flamenco for Everybody is the very spirit of music and dance those uplifts and heals."
The show opens with Annalouise sharing her story using contemporary-Flamenco dance, sound design and video. This soars into a full theatrical experience with sacred song and spoken word. Experience the social, historical, and cultural events that have shaped Flamenco over time through the living traditions of Andalusia, the Roma, Sephardi, Arabic and African cultures. Flamenco For Everybody is a community response of resilience and it is also highly innovative and energising fun. You'll love to listen but by the end, you'll want to get up and dance!
For tickets go to https://www.goulburnpac.com.au/Events-directory/Flamenco-for-Everybody
Tickets also available from Box Office in person or call 02 4823 4999 Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 3pm
"What developed into a full-fledged performance Flamenco forever – For Everybody. So, when a carefully numbered socially distanced audience was welcomed to experience the joy of Flamenco in all its energetic foot tapping fury – it was unpassable." — Sydhwaney Sounds
"It reverberated against the wooden walls of the old Drill Hall and bounced back awakening us to a call to rise and lifted our spirits." — Sydhwaney Sounds
Flamenco for Everybody is produced by Annalouise Paul Dance Theatre. Previous support by Create NSW, Destination NSW, Sydney Solstice, and Parramatta City Council