Gov Analysis Month Set for 2025

UK Gov

The UK's largest learning and development event for government analysts is back for the fifth year.

Analysis in Government (AiG) Month, the UK's largest learning and development event for government analysts, returns for the fifth year with the theme of 'Impact'.

Throughout the whole of May, we will be highlighting the impact of quality analysis across government, exploring how analysts are working together to deliver in areas of Policy, Operational Delivery and much more.

As always, the month will feature an inspirational calendar of live online events, links to learning, social media takeovers, online blogs and interactive learning events.

Present your own AiG Month session

The Analysis Function central team is accepting expressions of interest from analysts who would like to present a session until Friday 28 March.

Head over to the Analysis in Government Month hub page on our website to find out more and book your space .

About AiG Month

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