Gov's plan to offer business grants for electric vehicles will help electrify Australia's used car market

The Electric Vehicle Council has today warmly welcomed the federal government's intention to offer Australian businesses grants for electric vehicles as part of its new clean energy package.

The Electric Vehicle Council has been engaging closely with government about the benefits of such grants for a number of years, arguing they will create benefit not just for the businesses themselves, but for the broader community.

Electric Vehicle Council chief executive Behyad Jafari said the announcement was a welcome piece of progress.

"We know businesses are waking up to the many benefits of electrifying their fleets and these grants should be the incentive they need to break with combustion engine tradition," Mr Jafari said.

"For a number of years the Electric Vehicle Council has been advocating strongly for such grants, in part because we are excited about the opportunities they create for the secondary electric vehicle market.

"If we want to make the benefits of electric vehicles accessible to all consumers we must take steps to stimulate a healthy market for used electric cars.

"Businesses tend to recycle their fleets every few years so if they are incentivised to purchase new electric vehicles today we should see them staring to appear in numbers on the used care market soon.

"In the meantime, we will be cleaning our urban air, reducing noise pollution, and lowering carbon emissions.

"This is a positive step from the federal government and we hope to see it built upon in the coming weeks."

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