The Greens Beach Golf Club are choosing to ignore the public outcry around the planned killing of wildlife this coming week.
The Club have Department of Primary Industries, and Water and Environment approval to slaughter wildlife they claim are damaging their greens.
The Club is located a short stroll from the Narawntapu National Park and virtually adjoins Greens Beach Conservation Area. These parks and reserves exist to protect nature and the wildlife that resides within. On the first page of the Club's own website they claim the National Park is a part of their 'Active Community' with 'Swimming, tennis and walking in the adjacent National Park are great ways to fill in time between rounds.'
"This Golf Club is claiming the Narawntapu National Park as a related local attraction, while preparing to kill the wildlife that resides in the park if they set foot outside the boundary", said Jehni Thomas Wurth, State Convenor for the Animal Justice Party Tasmania.
"They can't expect to operate an ‘unfenced’ golf green next to a National Park and not have the wildlife visit."
In 2011 the Golf Club slaughtered 1600 animals, a staggering number, however, as culling is an ineffective measure, they are once again seeking to destroy animals who are simply trying to survive.
“The Greens Beach Golf Club has had a decade to invest in alternatives to killing to protect their golf greens,” said Ms Thomas-Wurth. “If they can't learn to live harmoniously with the visiting wildlife, then they should be fencing them out."
The Animal Justice Party calls on Greens Beach Golf Club to commit to investigating the many non lethal strategies available to mitigate their issue and learn to co-exist with Tasmanian native wildlife.