The Tasmanian Liberal Government is getting on with the job of reforming Tasmania's Government-owned businesses.
Following extensive consultation on the proposed reforms, the Government has introduced a consultation Bill containing the first tranche of legislative reforms in the Parliament during the first sitting week.
Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said these landmark reforms will ensure Government businesses work in the best interests of Tasmanians.
"Our Team Tasmania approach has seen exciting and proactive feedback from stakeholders and we will continue to work with them to deliver on this vision," the Treasurer said.
"We are committed to establishing a robust framework to ensure Government businesses take a Team Tasmania approach to doing business and deliver better outcomes for Tasmanians, something that is critical to the delivery of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future."
The first tranche of legislative reform will:
The Government is also progressing work on the potential merger of TasPorts, TT-Line and TasRail as well as seeking expert advice on driving best practice board performance.
It is expected that advice will be provided to Government by the end of April 2025.
The second tranche of legislative reforms will be progressed following the delivery of the State Budget.
"Consultation is critical and I urge Tasmanians to continue to engage with us and provide feedback in this process."
The draft Bill will be released for a six week public consultation period from 4 March 2025.