Department of Finance Canada
The federal government has taken important steps to position Canada at the forefront of the fight against climate change and to seize the economic opportunities provided by the global transition to net-zero. Helping Canadian companies adopt clean technologies will create jobs, ensure Canadian businesses remain globally competitive, and reduce Canada's emissions.
As committed to in the 2022 Fall Economic Statement, the Department of Finance is today launching consultations on:
An investment tax credit for clean hydrogen based on the lifecycle carbon intensity of hydrogen, including:
- An appropriate carbon intensity-based system for the Canadian context; and,
- The level of support needed for different production pathways in Canada.
Labour conditions attached to the investment tax credits for clean hydrogen and clean technologies, including requirements to:
- Pay prevailing wages based on local labour market conditions; and,
- Create apprenticeship training opportunities.
Stakeholders are invited to share their feedback until January 6, 2023.
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