Governments of Canada and Quebec invest in ten recreational and sports projects in Montreal Region

From: Infrastructure Canada

Today, the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and Isabelle Charest, Minister for Education and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, announced funding of close to $70 million for ten projects in the Montreal Region. They were joined by the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services and Member of Parliament for Ville-Marie-Le Sud-Ouest-Île-des-Soeurs, Chantal Rouleau, Minister Responsible for Transport, Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and Montréal Region, and Member of the National Assembly for Pointe-aux-Trembles, and Jocelyn Pauzé, Councillor Responsible for Resident Services and Worksite Management at the City of Montreal, on behalf of Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal. With this funding, local residents will have access to modern and safe facilities that will promote an active, healthy and inclusive lifestyle.

This new infrastructure will enable the Montreal Region to create living environments that will attract families and workers, while stimulating the local economic recovery. Of note, a total of $20 million in funding will be used to renovate and partially rebuild the Gadbois Recreation Centre. This future recreation centre will be the result of a partial reconstruction and several renovations. The project will eventually provide recreational and sports spaces including gymnasiums, a gymnastics area, an indoor pool, bleachers, change rooms, martial arts rooms, a fitness room, a weight room and service rooms.

In the Montreal Region, the Government of Canada is investing nearly $35 million through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, while the Government of Quebec is investing more than $35 million through its Recreational and Sports Infrastructure Financial Assistance Program.


"Recreational and sports activities are essential to the communities where people want to live, work and raise their families. I am therefore pleased to announce a federal contribution of close to $35 million to fund ten recreational and sports infrastructure projects in the greater Montreal area. These investments will create jobs and stimulate the economy while providing Montrealers and visitors to the region with more and better choices to learn, play and help each other.

The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

"The ten projects announced today will help citizens stay fit and connected to the community, whether it be the Gadbois Centre, which has served the residents of my riding for over 60 years, to the other sports and recreational facilities planned for the greater Montreal area, these projects will support the economy and the health and well-being of our population. I am proud to work with our partners to build healthy and inclusive communities for future generations."

The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services and Member of Parliament for Ville-Marie-Le-Sud-Ouest-Île-des-Sœurs

"More than ever, we are becoming aware of the importance of being active. That is why we are implementing ways to allow Quebeckers to move more. Access to modern, quality sports and recreational infrastructure is a strong incentive to encourage regular physical activity. These projects will have a real impact on the quality of life of families and the vitality of our communities. I hope that, thanks to the investments we are announcing today, everyone will experience the pleasure of moving."

Isabelle Charest, Minister for Education and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

"Like everywhere else in the province, the Montreal Region deserves modern and safe sports and recreational facilities that meet the needs of families and athletes. That is why I am very pleased to announce these investments for ten projects that will benefit the entire community. Access to this infrastructure is an important asset for promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle."

Chantal Rouleau, Minister Responsible for Transport, Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region and MNA for Pointe-aux-Trembles

"Montreal is a metropolis on a human scale known for its quality of life. People enjoy and use our recreational and sports infrastructure, and this has been all the more apparent since the pandemic began. This is why we welcome the financial support of the governments of Quebec and Canada. Together, we are helping to make Montreal a pleasant city with quality infrastructures."

Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal

Quick facts

  • Through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), the federal government is investing more than $7.5 billion in Quebec between 2018 and 2028 in community, cultural and recreational infrastructure projects, green infrastructure, public transit, and infrastructure in rural and northern communities.

  • The Government of Quebec's Programme d'aide financière aux infrastructures récréatives et sportives (PAFIRS) [financial assistance program for recreational and sports infrastructure] is part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) and the Integrated Bilateral Agreement (IBA), which aims to implement the ICIP in Quebec and establish the terms, obligations and commitments of the parties. The program has a budget of $294 million.

  • The Ministère de l'Éducation is responsible for implementing the Recreational Infrastructure sub-stream of the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure stream of the IBA.

  • By funding projects to build, develop, renovate, upgrade, expand or restore recreational and sports infrastructure, PAFIRS aims to support the presence of recreational and sports infrastructure that is in good condition in all regions of Quebec and increase access to this infrastructure for the people of Quebec.

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