The Green Party is appalled by the Government's plan to disestablish Resource Teachers of Māori (RTM) roles, a move that takes another swing at kaupapa Māori education.
"Cutting these roles is a direct attack on the right of tamariki Māori to access quality education which accurately reflects their identity and whakapapa," says Green Party Māori Education and Early Childhood Education spokesperson, Benjamin Doyle.
"Our mokopuna deserve to be empowered in their education. Our mokopuna deserve better than this.
"This consultation to disestablish these roles undermines the value of these highly specialised kaiako in providing support, advice and guidance for other kaiako, for students, whānau and kura. Resourcing RTMs is a step forward for ensuring education is for, with and by Māori - this move directly undermines that.
"This is yet another assault on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tangata whenua from this Government.
"The Prime Minister's actions need to match his words. He cannot say that Te Tiriti is our past, present and future and then undermine the very essence of our founding document with a series of assaults.
"The Green Party is calling on the Government to instead commit to properly resourcing the taonga that is kaupapa Māori education, so all of our children can thrive.
"We want to see te reo Māori and te ao Māori flourish in Aotearoa, as was promised in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As such, we stand with the educators and communities who are fighting to protect Māori education," says Benjamin Doyle.