Grants Awarded To Support Aboriginal Family Safety

  • Cook Government awards more than $5.5 million for Aboriginal-led initiatives that prevent or respond to family and domestic violence in local communities
  • 12 organisations have received funding under the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program
  • Grants program responds to request for more Aboriginal-led solutions from the Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce

The Cook Government has awarded more than $5.5 million in grant funding to a range of Aboriginal-led initiatives that prevent or respond to family and domestic violence in local communities.

A dozen Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and registered Aboriginal businesseshave been awarded grant funding under the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program to develop community-led family safety activities in their regions over two years.

The funding supports the implementation of the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032 by enabling Aboriginal-led actions and solutions that promote family safety.

Recipients include an early intervention service for men in the Kimberley, a therapeutic healing program in the Central Great Southern region, and a drop-in centre for teenagers in the Goldfields-Esperance region.

The program was informed by the Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce which recommended more investment in Aboriginal-led responses to family violence experienced by Aboriginal people.

An independent evaluation of the grants program will be conducted by Kaala Barna Aboriginal Consultancy.

The announcement comes during the State Government's eighth 16 Days in WA campaign to end gender-based violence.

The grant recipients are:

  • Aboriginal Family Legal Services:'Expanding the AFLS Integrated Service Model'
  • Ngunytju Tjitji Pirni Aboriginal Corporation: 'Strong Girls: Strong Women'
  • Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation in the Central Great Southern: 'Women's Therapeutic Healing Program'
  • Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation in the East Kimberley: 'Binarrig-gerring Jawalenga-woorr Strong Men's Program'
  • Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation in the East Kimberley: 'Badayijeng Ninggoowoong-Woorr Strong Families - Prevention and Early Intervention Events and Resources'
  • Langford Aboriginal Association Inc: 'Development of an Aboriginal Youth Family Violence Prevention Education Program'
  • Karlup Aboriginal Corporation in Midland: 'Ni Birdiya Waangkiny Listen: Bosses talking!'
  • Goldfields Aboriginal Community Services Aboriginal Corporation: 'Empowering Aboriginal Youth through a Holistic Drop-in Centre'
  • Marnin Bowa Dumbara Aboriginal Corporation: 'Kimberley Community Child Safety and Advocacy'
  • Yura Yungi Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation: 'Family Safety Project Halls Creek'
  • Karla Kuliny Aboriginal Corporation: 'Kwabba Moorditj Bidi Kaartmardajen Moort - (Good strong path - head, hands, talk, walk with families) Boodjah Bidi (Sacred Path)'
  • Robe River Kuruma Aboriginal Corporation in the West Pilbara: 'RRKAC's Strong Family Connections'

As stated by Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence Minister Sabine Winton:

"Aboriginal women and children are disproportionately impacted by family violence. This is completely unacceptable.

"This grants program demonstrates the Cook Government's commitment to keeping Aboriginal people safe from family violence.

"We want to encourage Aboriginal-led solutions that support Aboriginal family safety.

"Importantly, these initiatives will focus on a range of areas from prevention to early intervention, crisis support and recovery.

"The evaluation of the grants program will offer valuable insight into how we can support stronger and more effective responses to Aboriginal people impacted by family violence."

As stated by Aboriginal Affairs Minister Dr Tony Buti:

"Addressing family safety in Aboriginal communities requires approaches that are culturally informed and tailored to their specific needs.

"Investing in Aboriginal-led programs is critical to achieving long-term safety and wellbeing for families.

"These grants reflect the importance of culturally responsive solutions that reflect the unique needs of Aboriginal communities."

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