Grants to enable Tasmania's Men's Sheds to continue their important work to support health and wellbeing, are now available.
Acting Minister for Community Services, Jo Palmer, announced the Men's Shed Capital Investment Grants Program for 2025 has now opened.
"Through connection and shared experiences, while working on important projects, Men's Sheds play a vital role in our community," Minister Palmer said.
"I am pleased to announce the Government has committed $1 million to support this round of the grants program through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.
"These grants mean Men's Sheds' unique and important role will now be more sustainable and allow them to continue their positive role to help Tasmanians.
"Men's Sheds have been a stand-out success story in our State. After a decade of ongoing support from the Tasmanian Government, they've increased social engagement, and preventative health.
"We know they're places of lifelong learning, safe places of support and a home away from home.
"There are now 72 Sheds across the State, supporting men (and often women) to meet, share information and stay connected, while working on community projects."
Tasmanian Men's Sheds can apply for grants of up to $50,000 to upgrade, renovate, construct, outright purchase or permanently improve facilities that house Men's Sheds across Tasmania.
Applications close at 2pm on 17 April 2025.