Grants For Bonnyrigg Available

Spirit of Bonnyrigg tile.

Has your not-for-profit group got a good idea for an event or project in Bonnyrigg Town Centre?

You could get up to $3500 to help your plans become reality with Council's Bonnyrigg Town Centre Activation Program grant.

Previous successful applicants have provided events such as:

  • An international cuisine event with food tasting, demonstrations, music and drama
  • Outdoor movie under the stars with a barbeque
  • Fun craft activities to learn about local religion and the Chinese mid-autumn Harvest Festival.

Bonnyrigg Town Centre is a unique place of cultural unity and diversity; it is the embodiment of a modern multicultural community. These grants help support the unique diversity of Bonnyrigg.

Applications close on Tuesday 15 April 2025.

To apply visit:

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