Bayside not-for-profit community groups are invited to apply for grants of up to $1000 to host events to celebrate this year's NAIDOC Week through Council's Events and Festivals grant program.
NAIDOC Week celebrates and recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within their local communities. This year's theme is "Heal Country, heal our nation". NAIDOC Week celebrations will be held from 4-11 July 2021.
Community groups such as kindergartens, scout groups and community centres are encouraged to consider running a COVID-safe celebration. You might like to run an art session or exhibition with an Indigenous artist, indigenous food tasting or tree planting or run an education session on local Indigenous topics of interest. There are some fabulous ideas on how to celebrate NAIDOC week on the NAIDOC week website.
Applying community groups must consider current government restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic prior to submitting an application. Information can be found at and Tips for holding a COVIDSafe NAIDOC Week event
Grants are open now through Council's Events and Festivals grant program.