Grants Guy Hits Murray River Council

Murray River Council

Community groups, not-for-profits, and individuals seeking funding are invited to a special Grant Writing Workshop in Moulamein and Barham later this month.

The interactive workshops, presented by 'The Grants Guy', Keith Whelan, will provide practical tools and strategies to help participants navigate the grant application process with confidence.

Attendees will learn how to identify funding opportunities, develop compelling proposals, and enhance their chances of securing grants.

Murray River Council Mayor, John Harvie is encouraging local groups or committee members to attend.

"This workshop is a great opportunity for community organisations and individuals to improve their grant writing skills and increase their chances of funding success."

"It is widely recognised that Keith's sessions are engaging and informative, with expert insights and real-world examples to help participants build their knowledge of the grant writing process."

The workshops are free to attend with limited places, so register now to secure your spot!

The Grants Guy workshops are a joint initiative brought to communities across Gannawarra, Balranald, Swan Hill and Murray River Councils.

Workshop details for Murray River Council:

Grant Writing Workshop - Moulamein

Wednesday 26 March

Moulamein Bowling Club 10:30am - 1:30pm

Grants Writing Workshop – Barham

Thursday 27 March

CluBarham 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Book online via this link:

- Details of other locations are also available via the above link.

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