Grants Offered for Environment and Climate Change

Darwin City Council

City of Darwin strives for a cool, clean and green city and is committed to working with the community to achieve the actions and targets set out within three key strategies.

Each year, $50,000 is available through the Environment and Climate Change funding program to support innovative and sustainable local projects that contribute to achieving one or more actions within City of Darwin's 2030 Climate Emergency Strategy, Greening Darwin Strategy or Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy.

Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said City of Darwin welcomed grant applications from local community groups, not-for-profit organisations, research organisations and businesses.

"Local projects that deliver positive and measurable environmental outcomes for Darwin can now secure funding through the latest round of Environment and Climate Change Grants opening on 1 April 2025," Mr Vatskalis said.

"We are committed to finding practical and effective ways to address environmental challenges across the municipality, and the Environment and Climate Change Grants can support projects such as community workshops, education and events, research or community and industry services.

"We have previously supported several great projects, including Lakeside Drive Community Garden's 'Growing with the Seasons' community workshops, the NT Native Eco Fair event run by Territory Native Plants and the reusable foodware setup at Nightcliff Market managed by WeBu (Waste Energy Benefits Us)," he said.

The Environment and Climate Change Grants aim to assist the community in increasing waste diversion from landfill, building community resilience to the impacts of a warming climate, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting and enhancing trees and natural areas.

Applications should detail how each project will contribute to the strategic actions listed within City of Darwin's three cool, clean and green strategies. Projects that are well planned, locally based, support liveability and that benefit the wider Darwin community are highly regarded.

The 2025-26 Environment and Climate Change Grants round will be open from Tuesday 1 April until Saturday 17 May 2025.

Funding for successful applicants will be available from July 2025 and activities must be completed within 12 months of the grant being awarded.

All applications must be submitted via Smarty Grants.

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