Grants To Fuel Future STEM Pathways

  • Recipients will share in almost $500,000 for science activities.
  • STEM-based events and activities to increase participation in science and encourage people to enter STEM career pathways.

From the coast to the city, the future generation of science superstars are set to benefit from a range of engaging science activities throughout Queensland.

The Queensland Government has committed almost $500,000 to encourage students to a consider a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) career and encourage communities to engage with science.

Grants of up to $20,000 have been awarded to 28 recipients through the Engaging Science Grants program, with community science-based festivals and tailored education programs for groups traditionally under-represented in science among the projects.

The broad range of events and activities encourage engagement between scientists and the community, playing a vital role in building science literacy.

Queensland Chief Scientist Professor Kerrie Wilson said the Engaging Science Grants program is a great opportunity for students and communities to connect with scientists.

"Engaging in science activities and events is essential to inspire the future generation of scientists so our workforce is well-equipped to ensure our economy thrives.

"I am particularly excited by those projects that introduce the wonders of science to groups that are generally under-represented in STEM such as the #STEMLIKEAPATSGIRL project which aims to empower and engage North Queensland girls in STEM, with hands-on activities that encourage them to envision their futures in the field.

"Our commitment to building Queensland's science ecosystem under the Future Queensland Science Strategy also includes a focus on empowering community awareness and engagement in science.

"Whether you're a student exploring future pathways, an aspiring scientist, or simply curious about how the world works, I encourage everyone to take part in some of these events and activities."

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