Great day out for MidCoast car enthusiasts

MidCoast Council

Join local author Joel Wakely at Harrington Library on Wednesday 21 September, followed by a Car Club Expo and barbeque lunch.

From 10am at the library, Joel will discuss his latest book, 'Racing Humpy Holdens'. Following this, everyone's invited to a Car Club Expo and Harrington Lions Club sausage sizzle from 11am.

Joel Wakely has been surrounded by cars almost his entire life; working on them and owning several very rare models.

He will introduce you to the 48-215, known as the 'Humpy'. You will learn how this modest car, designed for a particular time and place, exceeded the boundaries of its expectations.

Joel tells the tale of how the Humpy became a much-loved road car, a competitive racing car, and ultimately a significant model Holden that helped define Australian car culture and history.

His story takes the reader on a journey with a simple car that broke its boundaries to define a motoring era. It follows a bunch of mates that built a racing car on a shoestring budget. Through sheer hard work and skill, they reached the pinnacle of their sport.

The author talk and car expo is a free event, hosted by MidCoast Libraries.

Bookings essential, to reserve your place visit

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