The Hills Shire Council has moved to adopt a Draft Concept Master Plan that will transform an underutilised corridor into a green spine with active links and passive recreation.
The Draft Concept Master Plan, which was funded by the NSW Government, proposes new pathways, seating and connections for pedestrians and cyclists between Middleton Avenue through to Carrington Road, and onto Showground Road, in Castle Hill.
The project will also see valuable ecological areas protected and the Cattai Creekline rehabilitated.
Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Michelle Byrne said the new Showground Precinct - which is one of four precincts rezoned in The Hills to support growth and vibrancy around the Metro Stations - is a popular, active and lively place to live, and over the next two decades more people are expected to move into the area.
"With this in mind, we want to develop a plan to deliver a much needed green space that will provide active links and passive recreation that will support this community," Mayor Byrne said.
"It also compliments the redevelopment of the Castle Hill Showground and provides residents with another option to access the Showground Metro Station," Mayor Byrne added.
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's Executive Director for Infrastructure & Place, Martin Reason, said the NSW Government's funding for The Hills Shire Council's Draft Concept Master Plan was part of the Precinct Support Scheme.
"Public spaces and shared paths are just as important to the community as roads and shops, and these new facilities will provide local residents, workers and visitors with better access to active transport," Mr Reason said.
"We are ensuring communities across Greater Sydney reap the benefits and enjoy new and improved open space and infrastructure as their communities grow."
Associate Director and Landscape Architecture Discipline Leader at McGregor Coxall, Matt Ritson said the Cattai Creek Corridor is a hidden gem that will become a critically important open space for Castle Hill's growing community.
"The creek plays an important role as a home for a diverse variety of valuable flora and fauna which will be protected and enhanced through the landscape and environmental design approach," Mr Ritson said.
"Leveraging the strategic outcomes of the adopted Castle Hill Masterplan works completed by our Urban Design Team, the project will create new connections to key destinations within the local community, including the iconic Castle Hill Showground and Showground Station, as well as provide new and refined green spaces for the community to enjoy.
"We are excited to collaborate with The Hills Shire Council once again in realising this transformational vision for Cattai Creek Corridor," Mr Ritson added.
The Draft Concept Master Plan was developed in collaboration with the community. Council will continue to consult with residents as further design stages become available and once construction commences.