It was a win for the local environment in the 28 July council meeting, when a series of programs and plans focussed on protecting, maintaining and restoring our natural assets were adopted for implementation.
The green light was given to the region's first Biodiversity Framework, a roadmap that outlines a consolidated approach to conserving our natural heritage, along with the Manning River Estuary and Catchment Management Program, and the Greening Strategy. All three programs come off the back of extensive community consultation.
"This is an outstanding result and the culmination of a significant body of work, undertaken not only by staff over months and in some cases years, but with the input of a diverse range of stakeholders and community members from across the region", explained Gerard Tuckerman, MidCoast Council's Manager of Natural Systems.
"We now have the tools in place to protect and manage our unique natural environment for future generations, and to enhance the liveability of our towns and villages that the MidCoast is renowned for".
The ten-year Manning River Estuary and Catchment Management Program addresses the impact of land-use on water quality and ecosystem health. It acknowledges the importance of the river and estuary for recreation, wildlife, clean drinking water, to support agriculture, and in delivering cultural connections.
The Greening Strategy outlines a series of actions designed to manage and enhance tree canopy cover and green spaces, with a particular focus in built-up areas.
"While each program has its own goals, objectives and outcomes, as a suite of documents they provide a solid foundation for implementing an on-going series of initiatives, in conjunction with community groups, landholders and other government agencies, to protect our environment".
They follow the adoption of MidCoast Council's Climate Change Policy earlier this year.
Approval was also given in the July council meeting to proceed with a region-wide Vegetation Management Policy, along with the adoption of a flying-fox camp management plan targeting areas in Forster, Pacific Palms, Smiths Lake and Hawks Nest. The Vegetation Management Policy focuses on retaining significant trees and tracts of mature vegetation through a targeted approach. Once introduced later this year, it will replace the existing Tree Preservation Order in the Great Lakes region.