Green light for Waterloo Metro Quarter

Waterloo's transition into a bustling hub of homes, jobs and high-quality public space continues with the NSW Government approving a concept proposal the future Waterloo Metro Quarter.

Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said Waterloo is the newest suburb to benefit from the once-in-a-lifetime Sydney Metro project.

"Waterloo is already one of Sydney's most-loved suburbs, with easy access to all of the things that make our city great and it's going to get even better," Mr Stokes said.

"From the Aerotropolis to the CBD, we are transforming suburbs and empty spaces across Sydney into vibrant connected communities with a mixture of homes, jobs and great public places on the doorstep of world-class public transport."

While the final mix of homes and jobs in the precinct will be decided during the detailed design stage, it could include either around 450 jobs and up to 700 homes or up to 1,800 jobs and 450 homes over three residential towers up to 29 storeys and four commercial towers up to 10 storeys.

The precinct will include 70 social housing apartments and at least five per cent of homes will be affordable housing. It will have two new public plazas at Cope and Raglan Streets, new community facilities, and tree-lined footpaths through the site.

Waterloo Metro Quarter is the latest development to be approved by the NSW Government after it promised to "clear the decks" of applications stuck in the system to ensure continued investment and job creation in NSW.

"I'm delighted to announce that since 28 August – when I pledged the Government would 'clear the decks' of proposals stuck in planning purgatory – we have determined 113 State Significant applications, or one a day," Mr Stokes said.

"These projects will inject more than $3.3 billion into our economy and create more than 14,000 new job opportunities across NSW."

Sydney and Regional Planning Panels have also determined 99 local development applications since 28 August, delivering a further $4.3 billion worth of development across Sydney and regional NSW.

Today's announcement follows the NSW Government's commitment to supercharge growth and investment in the CBD by giving in-principle support to the City of Sydney's Central Sydney Planning Strategy, which will be released early next year.

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