Wallan may soon be the home of gymnastics in Melbourne's north with Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence pledging $5 million towards Stage 1 of the Greenhill Recreation Precinct if returned to government at the State Election.
The commitment from Ros Spence, the Labor candidate for Kalkallo, brings Mitchell Shire Council's vision to develop Greenhill Recreation Precinct into a premier sporting precint a step closer.
Stage 1 includes installing services to the site and works to support commencement of a gymnastics facility.
This investment will help get the precinct underway and create opportunities for the next phases of the project.
The aim is to develop a premier sporting, recreational, and environmental precinct that can meet the needs of the existing and future Wallan community and importantly, encourage engagement and connectivity.
In the short term, initially the project's focus will be towards the commencement of a dedicated gymnastics facility which will ease demand for the court space at R B Robson Stadium in Wallan and LB Davern Reserve in Wandong.
Once complete, the vision for the Greenhill Recreational Precinct is to include:
- a dedicated gymnastics centre
- an indoor multi-sport centre
- outdoor sporting precinct with sportsfields and tennis facility
- an aquatic centre
- passive open space, including pathways to the Greenhill cone
- play space
Local families will be able to get their kids off waiting lists and involved with their preferred sport, whether it's basketball, netball, or gymnastics.