The Greenmount Landfill will be transitioning in early July 2023 to a temporary transfer station.
Toowoomba Regional Council's Water and Waste Committee Portfolio Lead Cr Nancy Sommerfield said this temporary transfer station is required to enable the old landfill to be closed prior to earthworks commencing to facilitate a new state-of-the-art Waste Management Facility in the future.
"Constructing a new transfer station at Greenmount aligns with Council's Waste Strategy 2021 and Waste Infrastructure Plan 2020 to reduce the amount of waste to landfill," Cr Sommerfield said.
"Once completed, the new facility will allow customers to segregate their waste at different areas for bulk materials (such as concrete, timber, steel and green waste), resources recovery area and residual waste.
"The new facility will be a much cleaner operation with waste stored on pavement and within bins before it is transported to offsite locations for recycling and recovery," Cr Sommerfield said.
The construction of the new facility will be carried out in two stages, with the first stage confirmed to start in July 2023.
The first stage will involve bulk earthworks to cap and close the current landfill, with the temporary transfer station evolving over the course of the bulk earthworks.
Council apologises for any inconvenience the temporary transfer station may cause and thanks the community for their patience and co-operation during these works.