The Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA) is set to assume operation of the Greenpatch Campground in Gordonvale.
The campground has been used as a "rest stop" and informal camping area for more than 85 years.
In 2018, Council became trustee of the reserve and formalised Greenpatch as a free short stay campground.
The following year, Council completed a $2.4 million upgrade of the site to provide 42 campsites and new amenities block with toilets and showers, dump point and day-use facilities such as picnic spots.
Management of the site currently consists of a Council officer attending once a day (weekdays only) to record licence plate details in order to capture the number of vehicles in the campground.
Over time, there have been issues at the campground associated with capacity, overstayers and increased anti-social behaviour.
Council has investigated several management options for the site, with engagement of not-for-profit organisation CMCA considered the most suitable option.
With about 60,000 members, CMCA is the largest RV (recreational vehicle) club in Australia and currently operates nine "low cost no frills" campgrounds, including four in Queensland – Innisfail, Bundaberg, Charleville and Ingham.
CMCA will have an onsite manger and offer low-cost campsites at $3 per night plus $2 per person for members, or $15 per night for non-members. Council will receive a portion of campsite fees.
The organisation will also be responsible for emergency management and evacuations during flood events.
Council will continue to offer free short stay camping at Babinda Rotary Park and Babinda Boulders.