Greenpeace Slams Israel for Renewed Gaza Attacks


Greenpeace condemns the Israeli government's renewal of the attacks on Gaza and the end of the ceasefire.

This situation is adding endless suffering to the millions of displaced people in Gaza and adds to the nightmare of dozens of hostages still detained by Hamas and their families.

Over the past 15 months the relentless violence has claimed tens of thousands of innocent lives - mostly women and children - and pushed Gaza's infrastructure to collapse. The blockade of essential resources, including food, water, medicine, and fuel, has left civilians facing starvation, disease, and worsening suffering.

Greenpeace repeats its call for:

O An immediate, comprehensive, and permanent ceasefire to prevent further loss

O The unconditional release of all hostages

O The urgent and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

O The unconditional release of all illegally detained civilians

O A global embargo on arms sales and transfers that fuel further war crimes.

O The end of the illegal occupation of Palestine, in line with international law.

International law must be upheld, and all parties must return to negotiations that build a just and lasting peace. Greenpeace reiterates its call for a future in which Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side in peace, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and human rights law. #CeasefireNow

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