A 10-year strategy has been adopted to build the City of Logan's resilience against climate change.
The new Climate Change Resilience Strategy 2021-2031 is part of Logan City Council's vision to become a carbon neutral and green region.
City of Logan Mayor Darren Power said Council and the community needed to be aware of possible impacts from changes in temperature, rainfall and sea level as well as extreme weather conditions.
"It is not unreasonable to expect that a variable and changing climate could result in more frequent, and more severe, floods, droughts, heatwaves and bushfires in our city," Cr Power said.
According to State Government modelling, Logan's average temperature will be 1°C hotter by 2030, and 4°C hotter by 2090.
Mapping shows up to 46 per cent of the city is within bushfire-prone areas. Drier conditions could expand that area.
"With Council owning $6.5 billion of assets, including buildings and infrastructure, we cannot ignore hazards such as bushfires, floods and storms without ratepayers bearing the brunt," Cr Power said.
"We can avoid and minimise those risks through mitigation, adapting the way we operate and building our resilience.
"Our Climate Change Resilience Strategy 2021-2031 is a road map to achieving that resilience over the next decade.
"Our aim is to be among the top 10 Australian councils for climate change governance."
City Planning, Economic Development and Environment Committee Chair, Deputy Mayor Jon Raven said Council will consider possible impacts from climate change in future decision-making.
"This strategy is our 'greenprint' for long-term planning and establishes Council as a leader in climate change resilience and adaptation," Cr Raven said.
"It also aligns with Council's goal of being a certified carbon neutral organisation and builds on our ongoing commitment to reduce energy use."
Earlier this year, Council passed a significant renewable energy milestone with more than 1000 kilowatts (kW) of solar photovoltaic panels now installed on Council-owned buildings.
The combined power generation from the 25 systems is expected to save an estimated $140,000 a year in electricity costs and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 930 tonnes.
"Our support of the renewables industry is also creating jobs in Logan," Cr Raven said.
The Climate Change Resilience Strategy 2021-2031 will go to community consultation early next year to provide everyone with an opportunity to have their say on this ground-breaking plan.